Digital Business & Innovation Graduate Degrees : MS and Ph.D.
The DBI Graduate Program is aimed for students who want to sharpen their skills by deepening knowledge in key areas of digital transformation that are impacting all kinds of business, economic, governmental, and non-governmental sectors. With a promising faculty pool, drawn from both Business Economics and Digital Business & Innovation departments, MS and Ph.D. students can choose research topics that broadly fall into four key areas: Digital Economy, Digital Marketing, Digital Technologies and Business, and Entrepreneurship, The Masters' degree is generally a 2-year program leading to a Master of Science in DBI and the students are required to write a MS thesis, which can be research based or application based, such as developing IT/digital application. The Doctoral program offers 3 or 5-year options, each requires writing a high caliber thesis.
Master of Science (M.S.) in Digital Business & Innovation
(Graduate School of Business and Commerce)
The dramatic changes caused by innovations in technology and the expanding global economy have opened up vast opportunities around the world, especially in emerging countries. Starting with well-rounded foundation courses, the newly developed Master's Program in Digital Business & Innovation offers a flexible curriculum that allows students to select a variety of courses from areas covering digital economy, digital marketing, digital technologies and business, and entrepreneurship that are paramount for building professional careers in demand today. Digital technologies that are covered include artificial intelligence, block chain technology, deep learning, digital marketing, social media, and more. A unique element of the program is it gives students hands-on experience in data analytics or running a business (practicum courses). Under supervision and guidance from faculty, students can write an Honor's Thesis to prepare for advancing to Ph.D. studies, or produce a thesis with research and practical orientation aimed to achieve career goals.
(Graduate School of Business and Commerce)*
5-year option:?This intensive program allows motivated, focused students to earn a Doctorate degree in Digital Business & Innovation in 5 years. Students spend the first 2 years intensively earning credits toward their Ph.D. degree. Students then take two preliminary examinations, then advance to the Ph.D. level upon passing the exams. During the final 3 years, students focus on their specializations even more as they prepare their Ph.D. dissertation, which is examined by a thesis committee composed of 3 or more faculty members. It is possible for students who do not pass the two preliminary exams and withdraw from the 5-year Ph.D. program to change their affiliation to the Master's Degree only program. Students who change their affiliation and meet all requirements for completion, including the thesis, may earn a Master's Degree. Students who pass the two preliminary exams but do not successfully complete their dissertation have the option to withdraw from the 5-year Ph.D. program and obtain just a Master's Degree.
3-year option:?DBI Graduate Program also offers a 3-year Ph.D. option for those who already have a relevant Master's degree. Students need pass the two preliminary exams (usually within the first year of graduate study) and successfully defend a thesis proposal exam and then complete their dissertation, which is examined by a thesis committee composed of 3 or more faculty members.
*If you would like to apply for the 3-year or 5-year Ph.D. Degree Program, please contact the E-Track Admissions Center before you apply.
Words from Digital Business & Innovation faculty

Nora Sharkasi | Professor of Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, and Entrepreneurship
"In the modern age, the demand for professionals in digital marketing far exceeds supply, leaving businesses frantically searching for globally oriented individuals with both business and IT skills. I have always been on a quest for knowledge and am interested in learning novel things. My passion for digital marketing started during my undergraduate studies when my focus was on building e-commerce websites and coding. However, at that time there were no specialized majors in IT Business, so I combined multiple degrees in related fields as well as pursued research on virtual and augmented reality to fill the gap. Later, I chose to study marketing analytics in Japan, the best destination for this purpose. TIU offers a globally competitive specialization in IT Business that encompasses digital marketing and analytics in one degree, making it the only program of its kind in Japan. The program covers topics ranging from social media and search engine optimization, online advertising, big data and analytics, to virtual and augmented reality, as well as courses covering breakthroughs in blockchain technologies and the Internet-of-things. Students will also benefit from practical courses in state-of-the-art computer labs. This is your perfect opportunity to learn the skills that will lead you to further success!"
Digital Business & Innovation faculty
Name | Specialization Areas |
Parag Kulkarni | Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Strategy Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur) |
Fatih Ozaydin | Professor of Information Management and Quantum Technologies Ph.D. (Osaka U) |
Jay Rajasekera | Professor of Digital Business and Strategy Ph.D. (North Carolina State U) |
Nora Sharkasi | Professor of Digital Marketing and Analytics Ph.D. (U of Tsukuba) |
Rafik Hamza | Associate Professor of Information Management and Cybersecurity Ph.D. (U of Batna 2) |
Vasily Lubashevskiy | Assistant Professor of Business Analytics Ph.D. (U of Tokyo) |
Samuel Amponsah | Professor of Economics and Statistics Ph.D. (Tokyo International U) |
Kuniko Ishiguro | Professor of Human Resource Management Ph.D. (U of Sheffield) |
Hirofumi Matsuo | Professor of Operations Management Ph.D. (MIT) |
Rajarshi Mitra | Professor of International Trade and Finance Ph.D. (U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) |
Sumire Stanislawski | Professor of Marketing M.A. (Waseda U) |
Kayhan Tajeddini | Professor of Strategic Management and International Business Ph.D. (Bradford U) |
Ranga Handika | Associate Professor of Finance Ph.D. (Macquarie U) |
Ryan Olver | Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics Ph.D. (UC Berkeley) |
Roksana Rezwan | Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior Ph.D. (Hiroshima U) |
Hisashi Takeda | Professor of Data Science Ph.D. (SOKENDAI) |
Takeshi Tsuchiya | Professor of Data Science Ph.D. (Waseda U) |
Tomohiro Yamaguchi | Professor of Data Science Ph.D. (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
Augusto Delgado | Assistant Professor of Urban and Development Economics Ph.D. (Kyushu U) |
Course List
DBI Thesis Evaluation Criteria (M.S. & Ph.D.)
Please find below information related to thesis / dissertation evaluation criteria. (M.S. & Ph.D.)