(1) Study Abroad with ISEP
Tokyo International University is one of seven Japanese universities affiliated with the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), a global organization that promotes student exchange. ISEP has approximately 120 member universities in the United States and around 140 member universities in approximately 60 other countries and regions. Through this program, students may participate in exchange programs at various ISEP member institutions worldwide. As part of the exchange program, participants are exempt from paying tuition fees at their host university and are provided with accommodation and meals. However, the individual is responsible for covering other expenses such as ISEP participation fees, travel costs, insurance, textbook expenses, and personal expenses.

(2) University Exchange Partners
Students may choose study abroad programs at one of our 30 partner universities located in different regions of the world. The programs span between 6 months to 1 academic year, where participating students can earn up to 60 transferable credits towards their degree at TIU. In addition, students may apply for a dual-degree program with one of our sister institutions, Willamette University or Southern Oregon University, located in the United States. Through this program, students will receive both a TIU degree and a degree from one of our sister institutions in as little as 4 and a half years. Students may also apply for scholarships.