
Fieldtrip: Students Visit the EU Delegation

On Wednesday Dec. 14th students in Prof. Lamont’s International Relations of Europe class visited the Delegation of the European Union to Japan and listened to an insightful lecture on EU-Japan relations by Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Haitze Siemers. This was followed by a vibrant Q&A session where a number of important topics such as the EU in the Indo-Pacific, trade, and human rights were discussed. Thank you to the EU Delegation for taking the time to welcome our students!

¡¾About the International Relations (IR) Major¡¿

International Relations is a field of study dealing with how nations with varying power, interests, and identities interact with each other in the absence of a global government. Students majoring in IR deepen their understanding of global issues while gaining career-critical skills in leadership, communication and research that are important in a wide variety of career paths.

Click?HERE?to learn more about this major.

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