Digital Business Management
Embedded with Business Economics major courses, this concentration area allows students to learn overall global business and understand success factors, including successes of Japanese big corporations and startups, while also learning strategies going on in digital transformation. Provides a broader understanding of how traditional business practices can adopt to transform to strategically use digital technologies.
Quote from Professor

Effective organisational management is essential in order to establish, operate and lead business activities. But what is 'management', and how can we 'manage' organisations? This course is designed as an introduction to the principles and processes of management, including definitions and functions of management, management theories, planning, organising, leading and controlling organisations.
This is an undergraduate major course on Informatics and Computing, which is highly recommended for students pursuing a specialization in IT Business. Starting from how a computer operates -including hardware, system and application software-, the course will continue with open source software and Linux. It covers network essentials, security, cryptography and Blockchain technology. It continues with developing web-sites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, a brief look at programming languages at different levels, the course covers graph and algorithms, the principles of computing, modeling computation and Turing machine.
Coming soon
The modern marketer needs to learn how to employ strategic thinking alongside the use of digital media to deliver measurable and accountable business success. Digital Marketing Strategy covers the essential elements for achieving exactly this by guiding you through steps to create your perfect digital marketing strategy. This course analyses the essential techniques and platforms of digital marketing, which includes social media, content marketing, Search Engine Optimization, user experience, display advertising, as well as the broader aspects of implementation such as planning, integration with overall company aims, and presenting to decision makers. The course is composed of five main parts as mentioned in the course outline.
The combination of computers and communication, now commonly known as ICT or information and communication technologies made a rapid advance into business with the inventions related to Internet, smart phones, and business intelligence, dawning what is known as online business or digital business.
This course is an introduction to Digital Business. Starting from basics of information technology (IT) and communication, including Internet technologies, this course brings the students to understand businesses that had been created with the key components that were just mentioned. The course lays the foundation for students to "think digital" and "think strategically" on how to make businesses using "digital"
This course provides the accounting fundamentals governing preparation of financial statements. It discusses the accrual accounting concepts, transactions analysis and the recording process. The first part of specific topics includes cash, receivables, inventories and long-term assets. The second part covers liabilities and equities. The statement of cash flow and financial statement analysis topics are also covered in the third part. Overall, the whole accounting cycle is discussed so that students will acquire knowledge of the preparation, proper reporting and analysis of financial statements.
The human resource function of modern organizations is critical, as people are our most important resource. This course is a survey of theory and practices, and current issues facing organizations as related to attracting, selecting, and maintaining a productive workforce in today's competitive operating environment. Students will examine the changing roles and responsibilities of human resources managers, the responsibilities of organizational leadership for incorporating human resource issues in strategic planning and initiatives with emphasis on current legal considerations.
Operations and Service Management covers two of the most important areas of businesses. Operations usually means using the resources of an organization to deliver its services in the most efficient way. Operations could basically be in any type of business or organization private or public. With the advancement of information technologies, the management of operations and services has become heavily data driven. The course introduces students to decision making tools and methods used by business in practice. Most of the classes are conducted in TIUs computer labs. Students will get hands on experience of the use of data science in operations and service management.
This course provides students the fundamentals principles of corporate finance. Students will learn major financial issues commonly faced by corporate decision-makers. The first part of the course will discuss the financial statements fundamentals, time value of money, valuation and capital budgeting decision. The second part of the course will cover the capital market, risk and return analysis, theories of capital structure and dividend policy as well as the short term financial management implementation.
This course will provide frameworks to understand the new digital marketing landscape and mechanisms on how firms can effectively implement their digital marketing strategies. It will provide an introduction to digital marketing, social media and business and explore how social media has disrupted traditional marketing strategies. The course will proceed to go in-depth into social media, the different forms it can take, how content can go viral and how businesses can go about using social media to market their business. We will explore how user-generated content is linked to social media and what can encourage users to create user-generated content and several tools that can quantify return on investments (ROI) on social media platforms.¡¡
This course is an undergraduate major course which is highly recommended for students pursuing a specialization in IT Business, in particular to develop a strong background and understanding of IT Project Management, aiming to become leaders in IT Business. The course starts defining the project and the project life cycle. It continues covering the basic concepts of a project, including strategic management, project team, project risk management, project budged and budget risk estimation, resource allocation, scheduling and using computer tools for scheduling, monitoring and controlling IT projects, and ends with the project termination, and preparing the final IT project report. I shall also present my experiences IT Department Manager of a Japanese Company (Has-Nihon Trading Co. Ltd.) where managed the projects on developed business and network application systems and payment mechanisms for international trade; as well my project management experiences as a Principal Investigator of international teams of researchers in quantum technologies.¡¡
This course is a first course in applied statistics. It will familiarize you with the basics of statistical thinking, language, and techniques, thus providing you with the needed skills to address questions that have real life consequences and effects. By the end of the course, you will able to organize and summarize empirical data. This course will also teach you how to compute probabilities, making you skillful in the uses of theoretical probability distributions.
This course begins with the development of elementary functions, including their properties and applications. Then, we will cover finite mathematics, which includes mathematics of finance, linear algebra (matrices, linear systems, and linear programming), probability (starting with foundation for probability with a treatment of logic, sets, and counting techniques), application of linear algebra and probability.