Entrepreneurship & Business Innovation
This concentration area provides complete exposure to entrepreneurship and managing innovations, including financing techniques and marketing. Whether it's your own dream business, family business, or a spin-off of an existing business, the practicum courses give the students hands on know-how to apply what was learned with the help of two state of the art labs that are being created on campus under the guidance of experienced faculty and industry practitioners.
Quote from Professor

Effective organisational management is essential in order to establish, operate and lead business activities. But what is 'management', and how can we 'manage' organisations? This course is designed as an introduction to the principles and processes of management, including definitions and functions of management, management theories, planning, organising, leading and controlling organisations.
This course is an undergraduate major course which is highly recommended for students pursuing a specialization in IT Business, in particular to develop a strong understanding of computer networks. Students will learn the past, state-of-art and future technologies of computer networking and communications.
This course intent for students to understand AI basics with reference to product development and AI applications¡¡
This course is for those who had taken the Entrepreneurial Strategies course and intending to go the next step to develop the business model to a more or less real one. The course helps to refine the idea, find the market place, explore how to fundraising to launch the business. This course explains how you can run hypothesis testing to validate ideas and refine business strategy. You will learn how the entrepreneurs network with investors and how they make financial decisions to grow the business.
The combination of computers and communication, now commonly known as ICT or information and communication technologies made a rapid advance into business with the inventions related to Internet, smart phones, and business intelligence, dawning what is known as online business or digital business.
This course is an introduction to Digital Business. Starting from basics of information technology (IT) and communication, including Internet technologies, this course brings the students to understand businesses that had been created with the key components that were just mentioned. The course lays the foundation for students to "think digital" and "think strategically" on how to make businesses using "digital"
This course is an undergraduate major course which is highly recommended for students pursuing a specialization in Ditigal Business and Innovation, and Business Economics, in particular to develop a strong background and understanding of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), and to develop creative thinking skills for innovations based on AI and IoT.
The novel technology, mobile devices, communication lines and devices highly affect life and the modern business. The purpose of this course is to introduce the internet of things and mobile technology to students and to demonstrate the capabilities of this technologies to create or add the value in various segments. ¡¡
This course is designed for those interested in starting up a business and anticipating a career in organizations and government offices supporting start ups, or in business innovation and development departments. It covers an array of various topics, including; (1) Ideation, (2) Analysis, (3) Presenting Business Model, (4) Proof of concept, (5) Entrepreneurship Finance.
Description Coming Soon...
This course reviews common funding options available to raising capital for business like crowdfunding, angel investments, incubators & accelerators, & venture capital. The course provides an overview of the industry as well as components required per funding option, & provides insights on indicators investors look for in startups. This course aims to provide fundamental skills & tools needed to understand, evaluate, & conduct effective pitches in order to receive financing for your business. Part of this course will be on practical skills, focusing on how an entrepreneur should go about soliciting funds, as well as different methods of pitching to potential investors, writing comprehensive business plans, & developing techniques & documentation to help secure funding for a new venture.
Students will be able to:
?Produce a competent start up plan
?Distinguish between the different funding options available and the advantages and disadvantages of each option
?Identify the elements of a good pitch and replicate them
?Design a plan to obtain funding from each funding option
?Generate the required deliverables for each funding option
?Create a pitch to appeal to potential investors
This course is a first course in applied statistics. It will familiarize you with the basics of statistical thinking, language, and techniques, thus providing you with the needed skills to address questions that have real life consequences and effects. By the end of the course, you will able to organize and summarize empirical data. This course will also teach you how to compute probabilities, making you skillful in the uses of theoretical probability distributions.
This course begins with the development of elementary functions, including their properties and applications. Then, we will cover finite mathematics, which includes mathematics of finance, linear algebra (matrices, linear systems, and linear programming), probability (starting with foundation for probability with a treatment of logic, sets, and counting techniques), application of linear algebra and probability.