Digital Transformation and Tech Innovation
Digital technologies from Internet, mobile, IoT, etc. plus innovations in handling data using new kinds of data bases, blockchains etc. are transforming everything, particularly in service sectors such as banking, health care, logistics, transportation, plus government sectors. In this concentration area students can learn how to tap into and utilize them in service, manufacturing, and government sectors or in a brand new startup.
Quote from Professor

Effective organisational management is essential in order to establish, operate and lead business activities. But what is 'management', and how can we 'manage' organisations? This course is designed as an introduction to the principles and processes of management, including definitions and functions of management, management theories, planning, organising, leading and controlling organisations.
This course is an undergraduate major course which is highly recommended for students pursuing a specialization in IT Business, in particular to develop a strong understanding of computer networks. Students will learn the past, state-of-art and future technologies of computer networking and communications.
This is an undergraduate major course on Informatics and Computing, which is highly recommended for students pursuing a specialization in IT Business. Starting from how a computer operates -including hardware, system and application software-, the course will continue with open source software and Linux. It covers network essentials, security, cryptography and Blockchain technology. It continues with developing web-sites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, a brief look at programming languages at different levels, the course covers graph and algorithms, the principles of computing, modeling computation and Turing machine.
This course provides you with the fundamental knowledge about web and mobile technologies. Technology is integrated in all parts of our lives, with the web and mobile giving us increased interconnectivity with others. These tools are integral and skills that allow us to understand and to use these tools become increasingly important in the current digital economy. This course will aim to give students a first look into the coding behind web and mobile technologies and how these codes are constructed. Different functionalities are explored and students should be able to create a basic web page and mobile app at the end of the course.¡¡
Due to advance in technology, data is abundant, offering insights businesses require. However, large amounts of data may be complex & difficult to use. In business, we must understand how to capture, clean, contextualize, merge, store, access & analyze data to get better understanding of how to capture & merge data forms into database & convert it into knowledge.
Course provides overview of big data, underlying principles of a distributed system & how this forms a database, data pipelines & practices used in businesses, software systems used to handle big data, data security, & data provenance. Tools used to build databases or run data science introduced & students familiarized with information technologies used to manipulate, store & analyze data.
Students will be able to:
?Understand Big Data and its sources
?Identify the stages of the data processing pipeline
?Describe the design of database and its components
?Develop a plan to store big data into databases
?Differentiate between different solutions that are available for handling big data
?Recognize the value of big data and the opportunities it provides to businesses
The combination of computers and communication, now commonly known as ICT or information and communication technologies made a rapid advance into business with the inventions related to Internet, smart phones, and business intelligence, dawning what is known as online business or digital business.
This course is an introduction to Digital Business. Starting from basics of information technology (IT) and communication, including Internet technologies, this course brings the students to understand businesses that had been created with the key components that were just mentioned. The course lays the foundation for students to "think digital" and "think strategically" on how to make businesses using "digital"
This course is an undergraduate major course which is highly recommended for students pursuing a specialization in IT Business, in particular to develop a strong background and understanding of the Blockchain technology. Not only scientific and technological but also legal, political and social aspects and possible future consequences of Blockchain are covered. Consensus protocols and anonymity of Blockchain and possible attacks and security issues are covered. Basic and advanced real world Blockchain applications are implemented.
The novel technology, mobile devices, communication lines and devices highly affect life and the modern business. The purpose of this course is to introduce the internet of things and mobile technology to students and to demonstrate the capabilities of this technologies to create or add the value in various segments. ¡¡
This course is a first course in applied statistics. It will familiarize you with the basics of statistical thinking, language, and techniques, thus providing you with the needed skills to address questions that have real life consequences and effects. By the end of the course, you will able to organize and summarize empirical data. This course will also teach you how to compute probabilities, making you skillful in the uses of theoretical probability distributions.
This course begins with the development of elementary functions, including their properties and applications. Then, we will cover finite mathematics, which includes mathematics of finance, linear algebra (matrices, linear systems, and linear programming), probability (starting with foundation for probability with a treatment of logic, sets, and counting techniques), application of linear algebra and probability.