人間社会学部 赤池行平准教授が第32回日本運動生理学会大会で「学会賞」受賞
第32回日本運動生理学大会 学会賞
1). Akaike K, Fumoto M, Usui S. The Effect of Initial Head Movement on Baseball Hitting Accuracy.
Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology Vol.24 (2). pp27-38.2018.
2). Akaike K, Fumoto M, Usui S. The Effect of Wearing a Baseball Helmet with a Brim and Ear-guards on Baseball Hitting Accuracy.
Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology Vol.25 (4). pp81-93. 2020.
3). Akaike K, Fumoto M, Usui S. The Possibility of Decreasing Baseball Hitting Accuracy Caused by Visual Restriction ―Hitting a specific type of pitch with a baseball helmet with a brim and earguards―
Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology Vol.26 (4). pp43-48. 2021.
4). Akaike K, Fumoto M, Usui S. The Effect of Type of Pitch on Baseball Batting Accuracy when Hitting the Actual Moving Ball.
Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology Vol.29 (3). pp25-36. 2024.
