【3月29日更新】2021(新皇冠体育3)年度入学式 開催方法変更のお知らせ / The Reiwa Year 3 (2021AY) Matriculation Ceremony to Be Held Online via a Video Format
2021(新皇冠体育3)年度入学式 開催方法変更のお知らせ
電話 049-232-1111
E-mail syomu@tiu.ac.jp
March 29, 2021
Tokyo International University
The Reiwa Year 3 (2021AY) Matriculation Ceremony to Be Held Online
To prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and avoid the risk of infection, Tokyo International University has decided to hold the Reiwa Year 3 (2021AY) Matriculation Ceremony, planned for April 1st, via an uploaded video message from Chancellor and Chair Nobuyasu Kurata and President Shuhei Shiozawa.
As this ceremony marks the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of our new students, it was very difficult to make the decision not to hold the event on campus. However, our first priority must be the safety and health of all attendees, as well as further preventing the spread of infection. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
URL for Video Message of Matriculation ceremony will be informed to freshmen via POTI and Moodle.
For inquiries regarding this matter:
Facility Administration Office
Phone: 049-232-1111
Email: syomu@tiu.ac.jp