• ニュース一覧
  • 2020
  • 新皇冠体育の影響に伴う入学式の延期について / Regarding the Postponement of the Matriculation Ceremony Due to the Ongoing Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

新皇冠体育の影響に伴う入学式の延期について / Regarding the Postponement of the Matriculation Ceremony Due to the Ongoing Novel Coronavirus Outbreak




This is an announcement that the Matriculation Ceremony, which was planned for April 1, has officially been postponed to a later date. This decision has been made in accordance with instructions from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, which issued an administrative memorandum stating that all measures should be taken to "prevent the spread of infection."

We will announce the new date of the Matriculation Ceremony while carefully monitoring the latest developments regarding the novel coronavirus outbreak.
