クラブポリシー -茶道部-


新皇冠体育 理事長?総長
The Philosophy of the Kotokuan Tea Room
The time-honored art of tea ceremony is a traditional part of Japanese culture developed for disciplining the mind.
The educational philosophy of our university lies in nurturing truly internationally-minded people or world citizens who can take a comprehensive view in judging and understanding things by transcending racial, religious, and other differences.
Man is referred to as the lord of creation because he values his mind and spirituality more than anything else. And for this very reason, not only knowledge but, more importantly, highly spiritual character is required of human beings.
" 公 " ( ko ) in Kotokuan ( 公徳庵 ) means being impartial and unprejudiced, while " 徳 " ( toku ) means moral and ethical uprightness sought in human beings as the lords of creation.
A "truly internationally-minded person " by our definition means someone who has attained some "sense of public morality" ( kotokushin 公徳心 ) that enables him or her to look at things fairly and justly by overcoming ethnic, religious, and other confrontations in the world. This " 公徳心 " symbolically represents the founder's philosophy of our university.
Thus, we have named it " 公徳庵 " ( 庵 meaning a hut ), symbolizing our founding principles, in our decision to set up a tea room at Tokyo International University.
Nobuyasu Kurata
Chancellor, Chair of the Board of Trustees
Tokyo International University Foundation