

理事長?総長 倉田信靖理事長?総長 倉田信靖



1937年生まれ。大東文化大学教授。同大学名誉教授。日本学術振興会学術専門委員。マスコミ総合研究所理事長として活躍。『公徳の国 JAPAN』『王陽明全集』(共著) 『李綱文集』『三事忠告』『吉田松陰』(明徳出版社)、『連戦』(早稲田出版)等、著書論文多数。ウィラメット大学名誉人文学博士。現在、一般財団法人昭和経済研究所理事長、学校法人敬心学園理事?会長等を兼務。2009年9月より学校法人新皇冠体育理事長?総長に就任。2021年秋の叙勲において旭日中綬章を受章。

Chancellor's Pledge

Your choice of a university is a “tacit contract” to be signed between you and that particular school, and as such, is a challenge for both. The university clarifies its founding spirit and philosophy and specifies its educational policy and environment.
Applicants and their parents base their decision on whether or not they can identify with the school's philosophy, and each student will enter the school gate in hopeful anticipation that a beneficial education will be provided.
And this makes it imperative for the university to fulfill its promise of the “contract” made with each student.
Tokyo International University was founded in 1965 with the ideal of “nurturing truly internationally-minded people.”
When we say “truly internationally-minded people,” it does not mean being only linguistically talented people. Our school aims at fostering mentally and physically balanced members of society well equipped with unbiased harmony (kotokushin) and an insightful overview of ethnic, religious, and national boundaries in the world.
Sending our students into society as “truly internationally-minded people who possess unbiased harmony (kotokushin) ” is the agreement we enter with every one of you. And I hereby pledge to do my best to honor this “contract” as the chief executive responsible for both business and educational management.
In September 2023, we opened the Ikebukuro Campus, which enhounces the global education opportunities of our university. By opening a new campus in the heart of the city, where people, businesses, and information are concentrated, we will respond to the demands of a changing society and promote educational reforms to cultivate "truly internationally-minded people" by having the Ikebukuro, Kawagoe, and Sakado campuses work in union.
It is my ardent hope that you will eagerly aim for acceptance to our university so that you can sign this “contract” and work toward the realization of your goal with us.

Chancellor and Chair, TIU / Nobuyasu Kurata


Born in 1937. Taught at Daito Bunka University as a professor and an emeritus.Served as an expert advisor for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Active as president of the Mass Communication Research Institute. Published many research papers and scholarly treaties in books and magazines, including “Koutokunokuni JAPAN,” “Complete Works of Wang Yangming,” co-author “Complete Works of Li Gang,” “Yoshida Shoin” Meitoku Shuppan and “Lien Chan” Waseda Shuppan. Accepted an honorary doctor of humane letters from Willamette University. Chancellor and Chair of TIU since September 2009 , while also serving in various roles such as managing director of the Showa Economic Research Institute, and Director and Chairperson of Keishin-Gakuen Educational Group. Recipient of The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon in the fall of 2021.





第1号議案 重要な戦略展開について




上記理事会決議にあるとおり、東京都心に国際キャンパスを構築することは、長年にわたる本学の宿願であり、現在具体化検討を進めています。 本学の「国際性」は、THE日本大学ランキングで全国第13位、首都圏第5位<イギリスの高等教育専門誌『タイムズ?ハイヤー?エデュケーション』(2023年3月)>、総合ランキングが46位〈『東洋経済』臨時増刊号(2022年6月)〉 にランクされるなど、国の内外から高い評価を戴いています。都市型国際キャンパス実現により、本学の「国際力」を更に強化してまいります。





